2 min

Training Tip Tuesday: How Do I Handle Objections?

Welcome to Spring, a season that represents new life and more importantly for some of us, more sunlight and longer days. Perhaps you have already felt the urge to air out your home, declutter, and perform the traditional spring cleaning. Some of us may take this further and declutter other areas of our life. And some may not feel any need to join the crowd. Today The Communication Gym challenges you to take a look at your business development process and to reconsider an element that may be the clutter in your closet: handling objections.

The time you spend in Stages 1 and 2 determines the outcome in Stage 3.

First, and most importantly, if your Prospect fits the 4 Key Attributes of your Ideal Client, you have spent the time uncovering their problems and expectations, and you have earned “That’s exactly right” from them, your Prospect is not likely to offer objections to your proposal. In Stage 1, you have qualified the Suspect, built rapport with them, and moved them into the Pipeline as a Prospect. Once in the Pipeline, Stage 2, you have listened and learned about their needs so well that you are able to rephrase them in their words, without criticism or judgment.

Second, a Prospect’s objection to your proposal is something that you should be prepared to manage. Thinking ahead and practicing your responses for the most common objections equips you with the tools to handle them at any point in your sales conversations. What are the most common objections you hear: price, timing, fear of change?

At The Gym, we practice Feel - Felt - Found statements that connect to authentic testimonial stories.

I understand why you feel that way, one of our current clients felt that way before engaging with our company. What they found is that, even though they are paying more for our services, the value they receive in terms of extra time available, proactive planning, and improved communication has freed them up to run their business more profitably.

Invest the next 5 minutes to prepare yourself in redirecting the next objection you face. Identify your most common objection. What is your Feel- Felt- Statement? On which client will you base your testimonial story? Your story should be real and, ideally, from a client who would be willing to reinforce it with a reference. Write your statement and then practice it out loud.

In front of a mirror, in the car, or with a supportive friend or partner.

Don’t just think about your statement. Practice it each day so you’re ready for those conversations. We are certain your effort will improve the outcome of the objections you face.

Our Peer Practice Groups regularly practice together in a supportive environment. Join one in 2022 to work out your communication muscles. Learn more here.
