Give the Gift of Authentic Communication to Your Team
Thanksgiving has passed and your thoughts of gratitude have propelled you into December. If you have been reading the headlines or watching the news, you know the supply chain is going to complicate the way Americans tend to celebrate Christmas. This may affect those Christmas Eve shoppers the most, or those who rely on online ordering, but a shortage of goods will surely affect a greater number of people. Those same doomsday headlines are frequently followed by ways to avoid this year’s holiday hazard.
Give experiences, not things.
Trips, broadway shows, museums, zoos, concerts, pottery classes, and the list goes on. At The Communication Gym we are optimistic that 2022 will provide more opportunities for us to get out and participate in life, together.
The Communication Gym has developed an introductory Leadership MVP Program we refer to as the Leadership MVP Primer. This 6-week program is designed to help you build the fundamental skills you need to communicate with confidence, clarity, courage, and integrity. We combine online coaching sessions, asynchronous learning, and real practice to introduce you to the process behind building your leadership on bedrock. You may join a group independently or create your own exclusive group to grow together in this journey.
A recent member said this program has given him the tools to live “at the core of his character.”
Why not give the gift of authentic communication this year? To yourself, your team, or a friend? Contact us to learn more. We guarantee on time delivery and free shipping!!