2 min

Training Tip Tuesday: Engage with an I-Style Communicator

If you’ve been following along this month, you have probably noticed a theme in our Training Tips. We first shared some practical tips to communicate with a D-Style communicator and then we addressed an S-Style. These two styles share little in common. While the D is extroverted, task-oriented, assertive, and a bit detached, the S is introverted, people-oriented, passive, and emotional. In both of those tips, we suggested you go beyond nonverbals and include style-specific keywords to help convey your message. Today we offer another page from the playbook and tackle the I-Style communication style.

Picture Dolly Parton, Jay Leno, or Oprah Winfrey.

These expressive, people-oriented celebrities shine in the spotlight and create a fun experience for all. Perhaps you know people like this at home or work? If you are not up for a lengthy conversation, you may find yourself avoiding any interaction with an I-Style. However, we know that there are times that we must modify our natural style to establish a connection with others. Be sure to allow time for socializing. Ask feeling questions to draw out opinions and comments. Like the S, the I-Style communicator is people-oriented and emotional, but they differ with their assertive and extroverted tendencies.

What style-specific keywords can you use to make an I-Style communicator’s ears perk up?

Those look like words you would use to describe an I-Style, don’t they?

Absolutely, but today we want you to use those words in conversation with an I to see the difference it makes to speak their language. Think about a faster pace of speech and large, expressive gestures. Avoid acting cold or controlling the conversation. You want this conversation to be upbeat!

Today’s Training Tip: Target an upcoming conversation in which an I-Style communicator will be present. Prepare a few sentences using the keywords above and practice them out loud. Once you have your sentences down, add some nonverbal elements: your pace of speech, gestures, facial expressions. Practice some more, out loud, of course. When you’re in that conversation, your preparation will ensure a better interaction for all.

If you’re ready for a challenge, target conversations or meetings where you will be speaking with D, I, and S-Styles. (To refresh yourself, check out our D and S blog posts from earlier this month.) Incorporate style-specific keywords and non verbals into those conversations…and practice until you can’t get it wrong!

Join us Thursdays at 11:30am ET for our free Live @ The Gym on LinkedIn sessions. In less than 15 minutes, leave with a lesson from our founder Dale Fallon and a practice exercise.

And meet some gym members too!

See YOU @ The Gym!
